Monday, August 3, 2009

Ministry Update

I wanted to pass along an update to my blog readers on how things are going in the Mourning into Dancing ministry group. God has brought some amazing people to us in the group and I am thrilled at how He has worked thus far.

Since the group has primarily only been advertised through word of mouth and through connections via facebook, I am thrilled at the response we've had thus far! We've been fortunate to be mentioned in a couple of prominent blogs by some wonderful friends as well. My college roommate, Renae Brumbaugh, mentioned us on her blog, "Morning Coffee with Renae" ( Also, Vonda Skelton, a new friend that I met a few months ago (funny story there), mentioned us in the kudos section of her blog, "The Christian Writer's Den" ( I am thankful for both of these ladies and their terrific support in getting started!

Since our beginning in late April, we've had eleven girls to be a part of the group. They hail from literally all over the US. In the past three weeks alone, God added five new girls to the group.
We hail from Coast to Coast... which is really amazing to me. Thank You, Lord, for the world wide web!

Some of our girls are really new to widowhood. Please pray for them as they experience some of the many things that come with that first year -- holidays and birthdays without their spouses, the first time they pass their wedding anniversaries, even the first anniversaries of their spouse's death and all that goes with that. The first year is often the worst because of those reminders that someone is missing.

I am impressed with the walks that so many of these girls have with God! It is really encouraging to know that so many of them are relying heavily on God and His grace to get them through these tough days.

We've already had opportunities to encourage the young women in our group, which is what we are entirely about. Please pray that God will continue to provide opportunities for the group members to encourage one another as well. It is my hope that they will befriend one another and begin to lean on one another as they learn more about all of the things that they have in common. Beth Moore says that we girls love comraderie... I believe she's right. I am hoping that the things that link this particular group together will allow us to be an encouragement, praying for one another, sharing together and so forth.

The blog has had just over 930 hits or so, since its beginning in late April. Since there have only been nineteen posts since the start, that means we're averaging about 200 hits per post. We also have fifteen people total who are publicly following the blog (for those who are wondering, Network blogs count the administrator as a follower - that's why the total I give is different from the one they do.) Our goal is to share Jesus constantly and consistently in a real faith way, so that all can understand and believe... So every time we get a hit on the blog, we know that it is one more time that we know we have told folks about a real Savior, Who saves in the real world...

So I guess what I am saying is, Thank You, Lord! Reminds me of this old hymn, "To God Be the Glory".... Sing it with me, will you?

To God Be the Glory
Great Things He Has Done
So loved He the World
That He gave us His Son!

Who yielded His life
An Atonement for Sin
And opened the Lifegate
That all may go in!

Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord!
Let the Earth hear His voice!

Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord!
Let the people rejoice!

Oh, come to the Father
Through Jesus the Son
And give Him the Glory
Great things He hath done!

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