I should have the computer back in a couple of days.
In the meantime, here's a quick ministry update:
- The Mourning into Dancing facebook group now has twenty members. The girls are now starting to encourage and pray for one another. I am hoping to eventually start a prayer partner ministry among them. We'll see how that pans out. It will all depend on the girls' willingness to pair up.
- Many of our young widows are experiencing their first holidays this season without their mates. For some of them, the first anniversaries of their husband's death falls around Christmas week. Please keep these ladies in prayer. They range in having been widowed for years to having lost their husband just a couple of months ago. Some have deep relationships with God, others are still growing in their faith.
- We've had 1700 hits on the blog akready. Given that it is really only advertised through my facebook account, and word of mouth, I have to say that's pretty cool! Clearly, God is using this avenue in some terrific ways. I am just thrilled/surprised that people actually want to read my stuff!
- The series on the Heart of the Worshipper has gone well. I have had the opportunity to speak with several folks about this particular series and God is moving. Please continue to pray for this as God continues to speak to many readers and is using it to impact His kingdom! It has been hard to be so transparent with my own experiences from the days before my Genuine Surrender. But it has been entirely worth the effort.
- Please continue to pray for me as I research and write the rest of the posts for the journey we'll be taking together in this series... The preparation and research time literally takes hours prior to writing posts. I want to be sure that I give you correct references and that I spend time reading commentaries and other reference materials prior to writing so that I don't just feed you my own thoughts on God's word. Leaving thoughts up to my own pea-brain can be very dangerous, so I consult as many Biblical apologetic and scholastic materials as possible prior to writing. Much of what I do research-wise is probably in some small ways very similar to the way a pastor prepares a weekly sermon or a Sunday School teacher prepares a Sunday School lesson. And that's not to say that the enemy hasn't given plenty of distractions here in recent days, to keep us from lifting up the name of Jesus! But I'm onto him and I've already given him notice. I've been talking to DAD about him, and his foolishness. One thing is for sure: The Book says that He isn't going to like what Jesus is going to do with him!!!! [Insert Grin here... ]
We'll be back to the series after my computer returns and I am able to spend more hours researching and preparing for writing than I can on a borrowed computer. I am expecting that we'll likely return to it early next week.
Thanks again for hanging in with us!
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