Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Dress rehearsal

"The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness
."- Lamentations 3:22-23 (ESV)

I am a music instructor by trade. I have a lot of fun doing what I do and I love the interesting opportunities that I get doing what I do. At least a couple of times a year, I get the opportunity to play in the pit orchestra for different musicals. Usually these are church choir/worship ministry musicals, and always, they call for a series of final rehearsals: tech rehearsals, drama cast rehearsals, choreography, and then the final dress rehearsal.

That last week of rehearsing is the time when all of the tweeking is done to make everything "performance ready." This would be the time when costumes are checked, makeup gets a chance to work on the cast, spotlights and mics are set, and the final tough musical passages are worked out for the performances that would be around the corner.

The night of the final dress rehearsal, everything is supposed to be ready to go, just as if it were the opening night. The operative word here is "supposed." But things inevitably do go wrong. Light cues get missed. A mic switch won't take place. Power boards fail. Lines get dropped. Soloists forget lyrics. Orchestra folks miss cues. It's a part of being human. And, thus there are several "takes" (as the industry will call it) before the final dress rehearsal is completely polished and the product is "performance ready."

So what if we treated every day like it were a final dress rehearsal for the coming days with the Lord?

What would that look like?

2 Peter 3: 14 says, "So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him."

Will our days ever go absolutely perfectly? No. Not on this side of glory at least, because we are a fallen people living in a fallen world. But that does not excuse us from living and giving our best for God today. God has already poured out His mercies on us. They are new every single morning, as our focal scripture says.

Tomorrow will bring with it a brand new day... with brand new mercies from a loving God.... a new day for a dress rehearsal! Will you treat it as if it were your final dress rehearsal?


  1. Excellent analogy, Bitsy! I'm going to try to start making every day "performance ready. ;-)


  2. Thanks, Renae! And thanks for the plug on your blog! :) That was really thoughtful of you!

  3. Another terrific post. You really made me stop and think about making each day a "perfect" dress rehearsal for that glorious day when we'll see Jesus face-to-face.

    Thank you.


    p.s. I jumped to your blob from Renae's Morning Coffee.

  4. Thank for stopping by and for your kind compliment, Jean! Glad to meet another sister in Christ!


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